Friday, April 29, 2005

i don't feel good today.aside from the fact that it's freaking HOT,i learned that some of my classmates have been see,we're in the so-called "science section",it's supposedly the best among the this class,you are tasked to compete with each other to be able to remain in the class.personally,i think this is crazy.first of all,we are obliged to take two(yes,TWO)advanced classes.included in this two advanced classes is the most useful subject of all(i'm being sarcastic),the subject that gave us our share of almost failing grades,known to all as physics.if you'll take a look at our cards,the only thing that drags our grades down is the subject mentioned above.i don't know,i just don't get that subject & it doesn't help that the most grisly teacher was to teach us this subject.i don't know about teaching but one thing's for sure,she makes our lives miserable(fyi:the teacher mentioned is the same person i wrote an entry about some weeks ago).and it's also not fair that to be able to experience the "prestige" of being in the class mentioned,you have to pay your tuition fee immediately or else,regular section here i come!i mean,what the hell was that all about?have they gone nuts?well,the principal was already berserk when she decided to ruin our lives(smashed potato anyone?).ayayay...oh,by the way i'm not yet sure if i got in.while others are enjoying their vacation,here we are,agitated by all this talaga,wow.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

after,umm,i don't know,three weeks(?),im back to blogging!!*fireworks*it's not that im busy,it's just that im too lazy to update(dale..).but let's not dwell on the past,alright?well, a lot of things happened for the past weeks.i bought a new guitar,enrolled in guitar classes,but the best thing that happened so far is that i passed!no failing marks & my grades went up a notch during the last quarter,that's good news,right?oh,and we're also moving,moving as in lilipat ng bahay(sorry,i didn't mean to make you sound stupid.just wanted to make things clear for the pilosopos (like me) out there).moving makes me feel sad & happy at the same time.happy coz we're finally moving to a bigger house,sad coz,well,we're moving.i've been living in San Juan for 16 years now & a lot of things happened in this house.though it's small,it holds a lot of memories.let me give you a rundown of the things that i'll miss come moving time:
1.the house-enough said
2.our neighbors-yes,i know it's quite surprising,but it's true.i'll especially miss the kids i grew up with.the kids who would shout my name whenever they see me coming home from school or from anywhere for that matter.the kids who tell me i'm beautiful even when a huge zit is sitting on my nose & when i didn't even comb my hair.though they're quite irritating sometimes because of their noise & being SO at home when they're in our house,they're still adorable & i'll miss them all!
3.the environment-lucky me,i grew up in a very peaceful peaceful,it actually feels like being in the province,that's a good thing.i feel safe here.i come home from choir practice at around 10 in the evening & i was never harassed or anything.
4.the church-well,for those of you who don't know,i have this thing for the altarboys in our parochial.i actually crushed on one for 4 years!!hope none of them gets to read this..i'll also miss my choirmates who's been my friends for the past 7 months.thank you for all the wonderful times & i will miss you all!!
5.last but not the least,San Juan-i will definitely miss this town & it's amazing people.
there it is,my list of things i'll miss come moving time.i will definitely see you all again.thank you for all the wonderful memories!this is not the end,for it has just long!!:)

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

to YOU..

aaaah!this the day when i bid farewell to everyone(okay,maybe that was a little exaggerated).why?coz it's card distribution day!i feel really scared about my grades.i know i didn't do too well last schoolyear,especially with physics(heck,who does well with that subject?!).ugh,i just hate that subject,i hate the teacher,i hate..okay,too much hate going on,must stop.i don't know.. im just not tha inclined when it comes to force,motion and the might say that it's easy.well,honestly,i think it's easy,too.easy to fail that is..i think it's with the teacher.lucky you,i don't really talk that much about my teachers,but i give special credits to YOU(you know who you are),for making my life sooo miserable for the past 2 years you've been teaching(?!) classmates will probably agree with me(please do)when i say that YOU are the reason why most of us got our share of almost failing marks.would you believe that there are 46 students in our class & out of that 46,only 12(!)managed to pass the third quarter exam and that does not include our top one! there.i don't know why im even writing an entry for YOU.probably coz i hate YOU too much,i want the whole world to know about it.i hope to see you next all the up & coming juniors,be afraid,be very,very afraid..i wish you all survive.

Monday, April 04, 2005

iM baaAacK..!!!

after a week-long vacation from the blogging world,im back!yay!well we just got home from a wonderful place known to all as Boracay.what can i say,it definitely is one of the most beautiful beaches in the are some of the highlights during our stay there:

31st of march:
we left the house at around 6 in the morning to go to the airport and guess what time time our flight was?9 am!boy,are we excited or what?!so we got to the airport & waited & waited &..okay,ill stop now.the plane was early(thank God) so we should get there on time.inside the plane,i'll admit that i was very excited & nervous at the same time.excited because in an hour's time,we'll be in boracay.nervous because it's my first time to ride a plane again after 10 years.but it was good.and as expected,we arrive on time at the caticlan airport.after some picture- taking,we boarded some tricycles & headed to the port.we got in a boat & took more approximately 20 minutes,we arrived in was really beautiful!the sand was powdery white & the sea was a combination of blue & aqua and was crystal clear.we checked in to the place which will be our temporary home for at least 3 days.we checked the place out & bathed in the sea.

1st of april:
a very special day.why you ask?coz it's my bday!yes,i know what you're thinking,im one of the millions of april's fool out there,so?!we did a lot of fun things during the day.we went snorkeling & saw the beautiful corals and colorful fishes bora has to offer.we had lunch in the pucca beach(fyi:pucca shells are abundant in this place).i also got a tattoo with a butterfly design on my left wrist.definitely the best bday i've had just yet!:)

2nd of april:
our last day in bora..for now.we rode the banana boat & it was soooo much fun!!afterwards we ate our lunch & swam a little more then prepared to we bid farewell to bora & boarded another tricycle.when we got to the airport,we fall in line so the guard can check our ids and stuff.there was this long line behind us,then suddenly a model,let's just say her name was pheomela barranda,went straight ahead without falling in line.she just walked in & shoved her id on the poor guard's face!i mean,hello,there's a line in here!soo primadonna!and you're not even THAT famous yet!i hate people like that.people who think they're more superior than others just because they're a freaking celebrity!it just so happened that you got the looks & okay,the talent,but that doesn't give you the right to look down on others.freaking conceited..